You can get free counseling if you have experienced or witnessed bullying, sexual harassment, and/or violence in sports or youth activities. You can book an appointment or get information by calling, sending an e-mail, or using the form at the bottom of this page.
The communication counselor is here to listen to you, provide support, and help with all matters of strained communications or harassment in sports and youth activities.
Aron Freyr Kristjánsson
Sports and youth activities communication counselor
Adress: Þverholti 14, 105 Reykjavík
Phone: 783-9100
Sigurbjörg Sigurpálsdóttir
Sports and youth activities communication counselor
Adress: Þverholti 14, 105 Reykjavík
Phone: 839-9100
Phone hours
Open phone hours are every Tuesday between 10 am, and 11 am. The phone number is 839-9100. You can also try calling during regular office hours outside these hours. The communication counselor will take your call if they are available. You can always send an e-mail to and get a response as soon as possible.
Full confidentiality
The Sports and Youth Activities Communication Counselor is bound by confidentiality and does not charge a fee for their services. They work according to a contract between the Ministry of Education and Children and Domus Mentis - Mental Health Clinic.
Contact 112
If you have experienced violence, you can contact the police or emergency services.
The phone number is 112
You can fill out this form and report an incident. I will contact you about the next steps.
Phone counseling
Open phone hours are every Tuesday between 10 and 11 am. The phone number is 839-9100. You can call and get information on the next steps.

The communication counselor's procedure
You send us an inquiry, comment, complaint, or a report.
The communication counselor invites you to an interview, and you agree on a time and date.
The interview takes place, and further information is gathered.
Based on this information, and according to your wishes, the course of the case is decided.
If needed, the counselor will re out to other parties to the case, with your input.
The communication counselor can help you process the case.
If needed, the communication counselor provides a recommendation to the relevant parties.
The communication counselor monitors the case and evaluates whether necessary changes have been made.
The communication counselor’s services are free of charge.
The communication counselor is here to assist you.