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Presentation tour of communication consultant


Introduction tour

Live feed

There will be a live feed from the introduction (in Icelandic) on November 16th @13:00. The live feed will be sent out through the Facebook pages of the communications counselor, ÍSÍ, UMFÍ, KFUM, Landsbjörg, LUF, Scouts and Æskulýðsvettvangurinn. The introduction is about an hour and a half.


Introduction tour.

The communications counselor should ensure that all sports and youth activities is conducted in a safe environment. Everyone involved in organized sports and youth activities should be able to seek assistance if they feel they have been subject to mental-, physical- or sexual abuse or harrassment, bullying or other similar incidences. 

In October and November 2021 the communications counselor will travel around the country to introduce the office to sports- and youth activities clubs and organizations. The itenerary includes:

  • An introduction to the communications counselor

  • How sports- and youth activities organizations have to gather information from staffs criminal records

  • An introduction to a contingency plan/plan of action 

We wish that both board members from clubs and organizations attend the introductions, as well as others that work closer to participants in general. 

An information package will be prepared for clubs and associations to send out to their staff, participants and guardians. The information package will be in both Icelandic and English, however the introductions themselves are in Icelandic.

Introductions will be held in Icelandic on following dates and places:

Akureyri 14. October. Háskólinn á Akureyri @18:30

Húsavík 15. October. Fosshótel Húsavík @16:30

Höfn í Hornafirði 20. October. Nýheimar fræðslusetur @20:00

Egilsstaðir  21. October. Menntaskólinn á Egilsstöðum @17:00

Selfoss 27. October. Vallaskóli @17:30 

Reykjanesbær 28. October. Íþróttaakademían í Reykjanesbæ @18:00

Borgarnes 2. November. Menntaskóli Borgarfjarðar @18:00

Ísafjörður 3. November. Stjórnsýsluhúsið @18:00

Kópavogur 8. November. Kórinn @17:00

Reykjavík 15. November. ÍSÍ Engjavegi 6, Conference room E @17:00

Reykjavík 16. November. ÍSÍ Engjavegi 6, Conference room E kl.13:00 -LIVE FEED

Reykjavík 17. November. ÍSÍ Engjavegi 6, Conference room E kl.19:00

Hafnarfjörður 24. November. Kaplakriki @17:00


With best regards,

Sigurbjörg, communications counselor.

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