About me
Who can consult a communication counselor?
The sports and youth activities communication counselor operates within the field of organized sports and youth associations operating on the base of the youth activities laws, and parties that have made an agreement with the Ministry of Education and children.
Anyone who participates in organized sports or youth associations can consult the communication counselor regarding any bullying or violence they believe they have suffered in their sports or youth activities.
Support is free of charge
No payment is taken for the communication counselor’s services. Those that believe they have suffered bullying or violence in their sports or youth activities, and those who are unsure but would like support regarding these matters can contact the communication counselor by e-mail at sigurbjorg@dmg.is or by phone at 839-9100.
The aim of the communication counselor’s work
The laws’ aim is that sports and youth activities take place in a safe environment and that children, teenagers, and adults can, no matter their gender or position in any way, can seek support and pursue their rights regarding incidents and wrongdoings without fear of consequences.
The laws also state that the sports and youth activities communication counselor cannot charge a fee for their services.
The sports and youth activities communication counselor cannot disclose any confidential details or information they gather in their work. Despite the relevant party’s confidentiality, they can request that those who organize or are responsible for sports and youth activities hand over any information that the counselor deems necessary to carry out their work. The relevant parties are required to provide this information.
More information on the laws on sports and youth activities communication counselor (IS)
All sports and youth activities should be based on safe communication, co-operation, and respect in a secure environment.
The communication counselor fulfills their role f.ex. by :
Actively informing those who participate in the organizations’ activities and associations that these laws apply to, about incidents and wrongdoings to further their knowledge and advance proper responses.
Guiding individuals that seek their counsel because of incidents that have taken place within the organized activities of the organizations and associations that these laws apply to. Especially regarding available recourses, how a complaint is made to the appropriate authorities, and what state and municipality services are available.
Supporting the organizations and associations that these laws apply to, in creating response plans for incidents and wrongdoings that may occur in their activities, and advancing national standardization in co-operation with, as needed, the National Olympic and Sports Association of Iceland, the Icelandic Youth Association and other youth associations and organizations.
Providing counseling on preventative measures to participants in the organizations’ activities and associations these laws apply to.
Following research and developments in the sports and youth activities communication counselor’s field and actively informing the National Olympic and Sports Association of Iceland, the Icelandic Youth Association, and other youth associations and organizations these laws apply to.
Collecting information about the operations of the sports and youth activities communication counselor and the reports they have received in the past calendar year.

Outside directivesdo not bind the sports and youth activities communication counselor in their work. Their counseling follows best practices and knowledge at any time.
Theyshall provide a yearly report on their operations to the Minister of Education, Science, and Culture.
They may not charge a fee for their services.
They shall make sure that personal and private information is gathered in a fair, objective, and lawful manner and that their handling is in accordance with the proper processing guidelines of laws on privacy and handling of personal information, nr. 90/2018, and laws on official archives, and any changes that may have been made.
They shall only gather relevant information and not more than what is necessary according to their purpose, and they are to ensure that the information is reliable and updated as needed
The communication counselor’s role is to follow the research and actively inform the National Olympic and Sports Association of Iceland, the Icelandic Youth Association, youth association, and other organizations.